Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plans

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plans

The Act to Protect Children and Families From Harmful Pesticides require that every school in Massachusetts adopt and develop an IPM plan.

The IPM plan is little more than an overview of how our schools implement IPM. Our IPM plans are blueprints of how our schools prevent and minimize food, water, and environmental conditions required for pest survival.

These plans are considered a working document and are updated every three months or annually at a minimum to reflect changes in actual IPM practices.

Standard Written Notice

The district is responsible for sending standard written notice form to employees, pupils, parents, etc. to insure that they receive this information at least 2 working days prior to any pesticide use.

As such, please see below for standard written notice of pesticide use scheduled at this time:

  • No pesticide use is scheduled at this time.