Early Childhood
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Your child must be at least 4 years old by August 31 of the student's year of entry.
This is a TUITON BASED Preschool Program. Tuition is currently $2,500.00 per year. This is subject to change.
Please be aware that there is NO TRANSPORTATION for preschool. SPACE IS LIMITED and based on a first come first serve basis.
Acushnet Residency must be provided prior to screening & Enrollment.
Lunch and Snack
We encourage healthy, nutritious foods. Suggestions include crackers, cheese sandwich with lettuce, chicken sandwich, or soup (in thermos). Healthy snacks include celery or carrot sticks, green pepper rings, cheese, and cottage cheese with pineapple. Fruits, pears, apples, oranges, bananas, and raisins are preschool favorites and drinks such as fruit juice, milk, and vegetable juice.
Your child should also bring a simple snack each day. Again, we suggest juice or milk and a few crackers, pieces of fruit or cheese, or other light snack.
Often we have children in preschool who are extremely allergic to PEANUTS and PEANUT PRODUCTS. This includes ingestion, skin contact and inhaled peanut allergens. Due to this potential life threatening condition, the preschool classroom will be PEANUT FREE during snack and social occasions. Please read product labels for all ingredients so to avoid sources of peanut protein.
*Preschoolers do not buy snacks or drinks at the cafeteria snack room.
School Supplies and Clothing
Your child should bring a backpack to school each day, large enough to carry his/her lunchbox, a 9 x 11 school folder, and notes.
Please dress your child to work hard and to play hard each day. This means clothing that is comfortable and can get dirty. We will protect your child’s clothing with smocks when engaged in painting, gluing, or cooking activities.
Please send a change of clothes for use in an emergency. If you do not send in a change of clothes and your child requires a change, we will supply your child with an outfit that has been donated to the classroom.
We suggest an old shirt, pair of long pants, socks, and underwear. Please place all in a Ziploc bag clearly labeled with your child’s name. We plan to go outside every day unless the weather is extreme. Be sure your child comes to school appropriately dressed; mittens are suggested for preschoolers because gloves are difficult for preschoolers to put on by themselves.
Drop Off and Pick Up
Drop off/pick up is the west side entrance, on the left of the main entrance of the Acushnet Elementary School.
The preschool staff will receive your child at the exterior classroom door at 9:10 a.m. Parents are requested not to enter the classroom or drop off their child prior to the 9:10 a.m. start time.
For the safety of all children, please always deliver your child to the preschool staff. If you have to pick up your child earlier than 2:15 p.m., you must send a note in with them for the teacher. Parents must come into the office to pick up the child and sign the child out for that day. No child will be sent out to a waiting car. Please notify us in writing when you designate someone else to pick your child up from school.
Integrated Preschool
Acushnet Public Schools offer integrated preschool classes to children between three and five years of age who require special education programming. Typically developing, neighborhood children are also enrolled in the preschool programs to ensure strong and appropriate peer modeling. The Acushnet Public School district values inclusion as the optimal method of teaching children with disabilities. Students with and without disabilities benefit from this philosophy, as the classes provide rich, language-based curriculum with a multi-sensory, developmental approach to teaching. There is strong commitment to helping all children develop self-respect, positive peer relationships, self-control, and friendships based on mutual respect.