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Acushnet Elementary School

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School Transportation Registration Forms

Please review the below Policies and Guidelines regarding school Bus transportation.



Riding Limits, Routes, and Bus Stops

Please note that published bus route times are approximate. Please allow for a ten (10) minute variance in either direction.

Bus routes are established under the direction of the Superintendent in cooperation with bus contractors so as an authorized bus stop is available within a reasonable walking distance of the home of every student entitled to transportation, and that distance does not exceed one mile.

Bus routes are structured so the total time a student spends on the bus is minimal.

Authorized bus stops are located at convenient intervals in places where students may be loaded and unloaded, cross roadways, and await arrival of buses with the utmost safety allowed by road conditions.

A student must get on and off the bus at their originally designated bus stop(s) for the ENTIRE school year.

Bus stops will be determined prior to the beginning of the school year but may be changed as determined by the bus contractors and school administration. If it becomes necessary to change a student's bus stop before the end of the school year due to relocation, change in caregiving, or other family emergency, please notify the school in email, at least one (1) week before the expected change is to take place.

Because of bus capacity and student safety, students are prohibited from going home on a bus other than the bus in which they were originally designated to - students cannot go home on a friend's bus. This applies to all school days, including early release days.

If a student misses their bus at any given time, it is the responsibility of the student's parent/guardian to transport their student to or from school.

Acushnet Elementary School students receiving transportation in Grades K through 4 must be received off their bus by their parent/guardian or other designated adult. Parents/Guardians of students in Grades 3 and 4 may opt to have their student, without an adult, walk home from their bus stop pending written permission and approval by school administration.

As a safety precaution, if a student attempts to get off of the bus without a designated adult present, the student will be forced to remain on the school bus and will be driven back to school once the bus route is complete. Parents/Guardians will be contacted and they will need to pick-up their student from the school. Reoccurring offenses will be disciplined as follows:

  • 1st Violation: Parent/Guardian notified.

  • 2nd Violation: Parent/Guardian notified a second time.

  • 3rd Violation: Loss of transportation for five (5) school days and a meeting with school administration.

  • 4th Violation: Loss of transportation for ten (10) school days and possible referral to the local social service agency for intervention support.

  • 5th Violation: Possible permanent loss of transportation for the remainder of the school year.

Bus Stop and School Bus Behavior

Riding the school bus is a privilege. If a student does not follow the rules and regulations, the student will be reported to school administration for necessary disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will depend on the severity and persistence of bus infractions. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, warnings, seat assignments, bus probation, and suspension or revocation of bus privileges altogether. Each incident report will be sent home to the student's parent/guardian.

The following discipline is a guideline only and the school Principal reserves the right to waive warning, increase suspension, or attach additional consequences depending on the severity of the offense or of the frequency of offenses:

  • 1st Violation: Verbal warning by the bus driver and/or school administration. Potential written warning.

  • 2nd Violation: Written warning by the bus driver and school administration. Parent/Guardian discussion with school administration.

  • 3rd Violation: Loss of transportation for five (5) school days and a meeting with school administration.

  • 4th Violation: Loss of transportation for ten (10) school days and possible referral to the local social service agency for intervention support.

  • 5th Violation: Possible permanent loss of transportation for the remainder of the school year.

Parents/Guardians will be responsible for any defacing or damaging of the bus by their student. The bus contractors will assess the cost to fix the defaced or damaged property and will invoice the school. The school will initially pay the invoice but will also pass along the invoice and expense to the parent/guardian for reimbursement. Failure to make payment to repair or replace defaced or damaged property may result in additional loss of transportation.

Waiting at the Bus Stop

Bus stops are viewed as an extension of the school grounds. There will be consequences for students who do not behave properly at bus stops.

  • Be on time for the bus but do not arrive at the stop earlier than ten (10) minutes before the time at which the bus usually arrives.

  • Observe all safety precautions while waiting for the bus.

  • Do not play in the roads.

  • If possible, avoid crossing streets.

  • Whenever you must cross a street, do so only if you are sure that no moving vehicles are approaching from either direction.

  • Do not push, pull, or chase any other students.

  • Avoid trespassing on private property and being noisy.

  • As your bus approaches, line up at least six (6) feet off the roadway, and do not approach the bus until it has stopped and the driver has opened the door. Again, avoid pushing others in the line.

Loading and Riding the Bus

  • Get on your bus quickly and be seated at once.

  • Students who do/will not board the bus after two (2) minutes will be left at their stop and will need to receive transportation to school from their parent/guardian. Additionally, discipline protocol listed above will be followed.

  • Listen carefully and obey any directions issued by the bus driver.

  • The following behaviors are prohibited: failure to comply with the bus driver; harassment; bullying; whistling, shouting, or other verbal distractions; pushing, wrestling, or other physical interactions; throwing objects; climbing over/under bus seats; reaching out of the windows; littering; smoking; any other violations of rules set forth in school committee policy or student handbooks.

Unloading the Bus

  • Do not leave your seat until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the doors.

  • Again, obey any directions issued by the driver.

  • Leave the bus quickly but in a courtesy manner without disrupting other students.

  • If you must cross a street as you leave the school bus, be sure to walk in front of the bus (never in back) at a distance of at least twelve (12) feet away from the bus. If you are too close to the front of the bus, the driver will not be able to see you and a serious accident could occur.

  • Again, be sure to observe all safety precautions as you travel from your bus stop to your home.

  • Violation of the bus rules may result in loss of bus privileges.

Supervision of Riders

Bus drivers are responsible for the safety of students riding to and from school. Bus drivers have full authority over the bus and its passengers in route to and from school and during loading and unloading.

Any violations of the rules and regulations for student behavior on school buses will be reported by the bus drivers at the end of each trip to the appropriate staff members in charge, who will obtain all pertinent information and report it to the school Principal.

Bus drivers cannot remove any student from a bus as a disciplinary measure - they must wait for the school staff and the school staff will take further action.

Video and Audio Surveillance

The Acushnet Public Schools maintain the use of video cameras on school buses and on school grounds for the purpose of enhancing security and safety, maintaining order, and undertaking disciplinary investigations. Video cameras are installed in public areas. Audio is also monitored and recorded in connection with these video cameras. Any video and audio recordings on school buses, in school buildings or school grounds are the sole property of the Acushnet Public Schools. Consistent with applicable law, authorized school officials may access and use recorded information as necessary. Release of video and audio recordings to non-school officials are generally prohibited and, in limited circumstances, will be released only as permissible pursuant to applicable law and with the advance permission of the Superintendent or his/her designee.