

How to drop off students in the morning (school doors open at 7:50 am)

Please note the district is most equipped and organized to have students ride the bus to and from school. Those who use private transportation may experience wait time, which does not excuse students from being tardy to school. Students should be ready to enter school at 7:50.

Option 1: “PARK & WALK”

Entrance: You may enter into the main driveway entrance of the Acushnet Elementary School and park in the middle parking lot; there are plenty of open spots. Please have your child walk on the concrete walking lane or grass to the entrance door.

Exit: You may exit the parking lot by driving back towards the Acushnet Elementary School entrance.

Option 2: “THE CHUTE”

Entrance: You may enter the main entrance of the Acushnet Elementary School and wait in the car line (“the chute”). The driver stays in the car. This line is called “the chute” – No driver should leave their vehicle no matter where they are in the line order – including being one of the first cars in line.

This car line is created to ensure an efficient and safe drop-off for your student. Please make sure you move up near the entrance to ensure that 6 cars can allow children to exit their vehicles.

Also, you are not allowed to pass a car unless instructed by one of the personnel supervising the drop-off.

We understand that many people are trying to get to work in the morning, and with everyone’s cooperation, this procedure will ensure an efficient and safe drop-off for everyone.

Exit: Once your child exits your car, you can follow the car in front of you through the parking area and exit the way you came in.